


每个人都尽自己的一份力, 老师和学生, to do whatever it takes to make our school a place where each and every person is an important piece of what makes Pallotti special. 

我们彼此联系在一起,也与我们的学校联系在一起. 学校自豪感是一种工具,让我们学会相信比我们自己更重要的东西. 我们的学校有价值. 这是我们的家外之家,我们的社区. It's not just these two but many things that make up our school pride. We are proud of our school and our students: past, present and future.

学校自豪感是我们内心深处的一种感觉. We feel it each morning when we walk through the front doors of Pallotti. 它的骄傲, 这是有爱心的, 这是相互尊重,它在我们心中占有非常特殊的位置! 所以,即使你不能用一个词来定义它,当你看到它,听到它,感觉到它时,你就知道它了. 它活得很好!


Follow our official 学生生活 Instagram page to see highlights of student life, 校园生活活动, 俱乐部及活动, 来自我们的学生新闻, 以及其他各种职位!

俱乐部 & 活动

Committed to educating the whole person and developing well-rounded individuals, 正规靠谱的彩票app为我们的学生提供各种各样的课外丰富活动. We strongly encourage students to become active in the school community by participating in one or more activities. 我们的俱乐部和活动列表经常根据学生的兴趣和参与而变化. 学生们经常成立新的小组来满足他们的兴趣,正规靠谱的彩票app欢迎这些想法.

It is our belief that through the exploration of extra-curricular activities including visual and performing arts, 学生将在性格和思维深度上得到成长. 他们可以, 通过这些活动, 成为更好的人, able to contribute to their community in a variety of enriching ways. We encourage each Pallotti student to take an initiative to actively participate and strive towards personal accomplishments.

  • 艺术俱乐部

    我们将每隔一个星期二在. 泰勒的房间. 请注意日期和时间的标志和公告!

    主持人 ——夫人. 泰勒

  • 烹饪俱乐部

    厨师会通过谷歌见面,每月下午6点见面. 在每次会议之前,学生们都会收到一份配料清单和将要制作的食物. They will be given the google link to use to come to the meeting and step by step instructions will be done during the meet. Most recipes will be completed within an hour and dinner will be served. This will help students learn about cooking and appreciate the science behind it while realizing how 有趣的 it can be to cook a meal and have it ready when Mom and Dad return home from work.

    主持人 ——夫人. 达克沃斯

  • 吉他俱乐部

    吉他俱乐部每周四放学后在Mr. 欧文的房间,从第二学期开始. 任何对吉他感兴趣的人都可以加入. 欢迎所有水平的游戏,包括初学者. 吉他俱乐部的会议通常包括与他人一起演奏和学习的机会. Students are encouraged to bring their guitars though owning a guitar is not required to participate in 吉他俱乐部.

    主持人 - Mr. 欧文斯先生. Bayly

  • 有个性的女人

    这是一个女生专属俱乐部,目的是促进个性发展, 对学校氛围和社区产生积极影响, 让我们的姑娘们为未来做好准备. 我们的女士们将参加一系列活动来提高她们的领导能力, 创造积极健康的人际关系.

    版主 ——夫人. 罗德里格斯/夫人. Shahraky /夫人. Hishmeh /博士. 马奥尼

  • 模拟联合国俱乐部

    不要怨恨,谈判! 模拟联合国, 它始于1955年,当时是费城几所天主教高中的一个小型聚会, has become a worldwide system of clubs and conferences in middle schools, 高中, 和大学. 在这个俱乐部里, 学生们在与同龄人就各种问题进行辩论的同时,学习到适用于现实世界的宝贵技能. Skills developed and refined include the importance of negotiating, 妥协, 敏捷的思维, 以及公开演讲.

    At Pallotti, Model UN commenced in the 2018-2019 school year. With over 50 delegates, it is the school’s largest and most diverse club. Members can attend any number of the  conferences we attend in a school year. We also host our own annual conference (PawMUNC) each Spring.


    主持人 - Mr. 玛珊德

  • 正规靠谱的彩票app乐队

    The House Band is PHS’ own student-led praise and worship group.  We act as the musical spiritual leaders of the student population while leading the school in lifting our voices to God in the school masses, 祈祷会话, 撤退, 以及其他以音乐为关键的精神聚会.  Musical experience is required, but ALL instruments and voice types are welcome!  我们每周三放学后下午2:45-3:15排练.

    主持人 - Mr. 莫里森

  • 正规靠谱的彩票app杂志俱乐部

    这是一个包容性的俱乐部,在其名为Panther的学校杂志中以学生和/或教师为特色. 在PMC, students will spend the semester gathering school news and taking photoshoots to build and release a magazine either by modeling, 拍摄, 时尚设计, 筹款, 和更多的. 寒假前一本,暑假前一本. PMC允许任何人,不管是不是会员,都可以为它的杂志做模特.

    版主 - Mr. Ernstein &  Ms. 泰勒

  • 黑豹Drumline

    鼓线是一个全打击乐表演团体,将出现在小灵通足球比赛, 篮球比赛, 以及其他几个劳雷尔社区活动.  We perform 有趣的 and exciting drum cadences while incorporating easy but groovy dance moves and visual tricks to liven up and entertain at every event in which we appear.  排练时间为周二和周四下午2:40-3:15.  没有事先的音乐经验是必要的! 

    主持人 - Mr. 莫里森

  • 胡椒花园俱乐部

    胡椒花园俱乐部 introduces students to the world of hot pepper growing. 我们的主要任务之一是种植和维护位于校园的正规靠谱的彩票app辣椒园. 除了, 我们让种子发芽, 照料幼苗, 种植花园, 照料盆栽辣椒, 并收获辣椒供社区享用.

    版主 - Mr. Bayly & Mr. 马丁

  • 乒乓球俱乐部

    乒乓球俱乐部对任何TECHNOLOGY水平的人开放. 每天放学后,从2:30-3:15在127教室带一个桨(或使用教室里的一个桨).  This is a very casual club, so you can show up whenever you can. 

    主持人 - Mr. 马丁

  • 植物俱乐部

    植物俱乐部邀请所有热爱大自然的人, 植物, 还有鲜花,我想学习如何把快乐和放松带到内心. 我们将有关于植物的信息讨论和问答环节, 种植, 盆栽, 传播经验教训, 和更多的. 我们计划一个月至少见面一次,但目标是两次. 

    主持人 - Ms. Belinky

  • 机器人俱乐部

    会议时间为每周三及五下午2:45 - 3:30.

    主持人 - Mr. 詹金斯

  • 莎士比亚独白俱乐部

    This club gives students an opportunity to perform monologues from some of Shakespeare’s best-know plays and compete against both Pallotti students (Pallotti Competition) and students from all over the metropolitan area (Washington, D.C.动静分区竞争). 那些考虑将表演作为一种职业或只是想拓展自己的人被鼓励加入这个俱乐部. The winner of the Pallotti event goes on to the regional competition. The regional winner heads to New York for a final competition. 在2019年和2020年,正规靠谱的彩票app的一名学生分别在地区比赛中获得了第一名和第二名!

    主持人 - Mr. 兰开斯特

  • 滑冰俱乐部

    A recreational club founded with the purpose of spreading the joy of skating. Specifically, we roller skate in the fall/spring and ice skate in the winter. 我们至少每月见一次面.​​​​​​​

    主持人 ——夫人. 坎宁安

  • 精神俱乐部

    精神俱乐部是一个社交俱乐部, 有趣的, inclusive group of students who meet regularly to discuss and improve school spirit and support our athletic teams.  他们的一些活动包括, 但不限于, 通过绘制横幅和标志为游戏做广告, 帮着布置高中毕业典礼和赛前动员会的体育馆, 并帮助组织十月的“粉色游戏”和一年一度的“午夜疯狂”.   精神俱乐部 members encourage the student body to attend games and show their “Pallotti Pride” at all athletic events throughout the year.

    Meeting times vary, but are usually during lunch periods and/or after school.

    主持人 ——夫人. 施密特

  • 专业发展机构

    • 学生会协会
    • 全国荣誉学会
    • PALs -正规靠谱的彩票app大使领袖
    • 天主教使徒联盟

    这些俱乐部的成员, 活动是选举出来的, 任命, 和/或由委员会或他们的同学选出, 老师, 和管理员. 这些俱乐部和活动并非对所有学生开放.



St. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app说:“寻找上帝,你就会找到上帝。”. 把这些话记在心里, the Department of 校园部 helps students to search for God in all aspects of their life with the goal of helping them grow in their faith. 其中之一. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app最讨人喜欢的特点是他能让别人参与到教会的使命中来. He knew that any revitalization within the Church or renewal of faith was not going to happen by a single individual. Rather, he saw the renewal of the Church as everyone's mission. 与宗教部合作, students learn to integrate the lessons they’ve learned in their classes with their own spiritual journey for the glory of God, 世界的共同利益, 以及他们自己的个人成长.


  • 每个毕业班的年度务虚会
  • 一个强大的基督教服务学习计划
  • 祷告的机会
  • 全校性的仪式 
  • The 天主教使徒联盟 through which upperclassmen can take a leadership role in the spiritual life of the school






新生静修, 朋友圈," addresses the idea that we are all a part of the family of God. 目的是让新生认识彼此,并认识到他们在神家里的位置.



二年级夏令营的主题是“行动中的朋友圈”." Sophomores attend days of service at various area locations. The emphasis of this retreat is on the sacredness and dignity of all life created in the image and likeness of God.



青少年退修会的主题是“呼召门徒”." The three-day retreat's goal is to help develop in each student a desire to deepen their love and understanding of our Lord and to make a commitment to serving Him.






Students have the opportunity to travel abroad with Cross Catholic Outreach in a mission to serve those in need. 和他们的同学和老师一起, 学生们前往伯利兹,我们在正规靠谱的彩票app传教姐妹创办的学校做志愿者. 除了 to the service work this experience is a pilgrimage. 学生们以祈祷开始和结束他们的一天. 出国旅行还包括探索古玛雅遗址的游览机会, 美丽的加勒比海海滩, snorkeling and tree top zip lines for our more adventurous travelers. The most important work we will do in Belize is cultivate relationships.

Take a look at this amazing video, recapping our 2024 service trip.

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题

  • 幻灯片标题



Community Service is an important part of each student’s experience at 推荐十大靠谱彩票平台.

服务不仅是将在课堂上学到的价值观和知识付诸实践的好方法, it is also a 有趣的damental part of the Gospel we are called to live. 耶稣说:“若有人愿意作首先的,他必作众人中末后的,作众人的仆役。.” (Mark 9:35) Pallotti students are encouraged to become servants of all, reaching out to all those in the community who find themselves in need. 我们靠近华盛顿特区.C. and Baltimore provides plenty of opportunities for our students to become aware of the difficulty of the poor and to work with churches and service agencies to assist those in need. 项目如:食品分发, 辅导孩子, 探访长者, recreation with handicapped and/or disabled adults; and far reaching mission trips to Belize and South Africa all strengthen our students and allow them to "live for the infinite glory of God."


St. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app以吸引许多人参与慈善活动而闻名. 受我们赞助人的启发,圣. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中 strives to make service something that is easy for students to make part of their lives. 为协助学生,学校:

  • 是否有社区服务协调员帮助学生参与服务活动.
  • Hosts several large-scale service events each year at the school.
  • Provides students and parents with lists of upcoming local service opportunities.
  • Has ongoing service opportunities within one block of campus.
  • 定期向学生和家长发送个性化的学生服务时数更新




每年,校园事工都会招募一组高年级学生来领导我们的静修项目. 应用程序 在最后一个凯洛斯回来后一周就可以买到. The process involves an essay, self-evaluations, and an interview. Those who are selected attend an overnight training sessions in August before helping to lead all of Pallotti's 撤退.


工会领导申请 工会领导人重要日期2023-24 凯洛斯演讲提纲 成为一个伟大的主持人的资源





To view your school’s uniform requirements or place an order, visit us online at www.flynnohara.com. 输入你所在的州和学校的名字(St Vincent Pallotti)开始! 我们的网站也是找到FlynnO 'Hara支持学校的商店的最佳场所, 以了解我们的学年产品保证, 查找有关退货的信息 & 交流等等.

弗林奥哈拉 -致电(800)441-4122或发邮件给我们:  atyourservice@flynnohara.com

折扣、开店 & 安全更新!

信息,尤其是现在,是不断变化的. 通过选择我们的电子邮件,了解最新的返校Uniforms信息, 或者在社交媒体上关注我们! This is where we’ll be communicating COVID-19-related safety updates, 分享家庭资源, 宣布折扣, 等. 我们保证不会塞满你的收件箱! 我们只是把重要的东西送过去, focused on making back-to-school shopping as safe and easy as possible this year.


Girls are required to have either the Gray or Navy Sperry Shoes.

Boys can wear (non-athletic) black dress shoes, The Black Sperry is a sample.







点击 the button below to view and download the current 学生及家长手册.

2023 - 2024年学生 & 家长手册




多年来,圣. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中与安纳波利斯巴士公司/汤恩Transportation公司合作, 为整个鲍伊地区提供巴士服务, 往返于正规靠谱的彩票app. Please refer to the bus service agreement on this page for cost and route information and how to register for bus transportation.

新! 公共汽车路线将被加入 蒙哥马利县 2024-2025学年.

  • 新罕布什尔大道附近的圣. Camillus开车
  • 乔治亚大道-森林谷地区
  • 肯普磨坊-靠近肯普磨坊路和伦道夫路地区


如果您想组织拼车,请正规靠谱的彩票app 招生招生经理 有兴趣的家庭可以按邮政编码查看姓名列表. Only currently enrolled families can receive carpool information.



If your student has any medical issues or court orders, please contact 莎朗·施密特 直接在学校.

301-725-3228 ext. 2210年sschmidt@nxadmin.net




Pallotti provides a quality health program that enables every student to reach a stable physical well-being in order to maximize the benefit of his or her educational experience.





Our goals of this program are to teach students how to use the technological tools available to them to broaden their learning horizons, 使用Web 2.有效地使用工具和互联网,并为未来的职场做好准备. 我们也会教学生如何使用万维网上的大量研究工具, 从而提高他们自己做研究的能力. 我们将教授组织和学习技巧, 从组织课堂讲稿到完成作业并以电子方式提交, 使用笔记本电脑上的软件.

学生必须参加我们1:1的笔记本电脑TECHNOLOGY课程, however you have a couple of options as to how you can participate:

如果你已经有一台Windows笔记本电脑,满足下面列出的最低规格, 你可以在学校里使用那台机器. If you need to purchase a computer you can either purchase one on your own or you can use the Pallotti recommended vendor (DSR Computer TECHNOLOGY Specialists). They have been providing us with service for over eight years and we are pleased to have them as our sales representatives. 请注意你的选择. 虽然意外损害保护不是强制性的, Pallotti highly recommends you add this protection; it has come in handy for many students this past year. 如果您选择DSR选项,您的计算机将直接运送到学校. We will set it up for you and notify you when it is ready for pick up. 如果你通过DSR购买, your computer can be brought to the tech department to be sent out for repairs. 学生将负责备份自己的文件, and niether Pallotti nor DSR can be held responsible for lost files.

如果您选择从DSR以外的地方购买, it is also recommended you get some type of Accidental Damage Plan. If you purchase from another store or bring in one you already own, you must take the computer back to your place of purchase for any repairs. The tech department will offer only minimal support on non-DSR computers (School wireless network access issues). 我们无法提供家庭网络支持.

Pallotti provides each student with a Google Apps for Education account, 其中包括学校的电子邮件帐户, 谷歌驱动, 文档, and other apps we feel will enhance the students' learning experience.


  • 硬件

    • 四核处理器
    • 至少8 Gbit RAM 
    • 备份硬盘和/或u盘
    • 250g硬盘 
    • 连接键盘

    注意:参加工程课程的学生需要最少的四核处理器, 16gb RAM, 250g SSD硬盘.

  • 软件

    • 以下操作系统之一- Windows 7,8,8.1、10或11 Pro或MAC OS.
    • 以下病毒/恶意软件防护软件之一- 
    • PC-Matic(我们在Pallotti使用这个), 微软安全必备, 迈克菲, 诺顿, 赛门铁克, AVG, 或比特凡德
    • Microsoft Office 2016 or 2019 Suite that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint

    NOTE: After years of experience with technology in the classroom, 我们已经意识到在课堂上提供对各种操作系统的支持是很困难的. As a result no Chrome, or Android operating systems will be allowed. 

    NOTE: Microsoft has released a new version of Windows 10/11, S Mode. Windows 10/11 in S Mode will not run the software we need here at Pallotti. 如果你的笔记本电脑在S模式下运行Windows 10/11, go to the Microsoft Store within Windows and search for "switch out of S mode".


To connect a device to Pallotti's wireless network your device needs to be registered with the TECHNOLOGY Department.

To connect a device to Pallotti’s wireless network your device needs to be registered with the technology department.

Students are limited to a maximum of 2 devices on our network. 没有chromebook、平板电脑、手机或ipod.



对于Windows 7设备:

  1. 点击开始按钮,然后输入:             cmd      按回车键.
  2. 在弹出的命令窗口中输入:   Getmac /v /fo列表           按回车键.
  3. 查看返回的信息并找到 无线或Wi-Fi 连接条目.
  4. 将实际地址信息复制到下面的表格中. 

对于Windows 8设备:   

  1. 右键单击开始屏幕的空白区域.  点击右下角的所有应用程序图标.
  2. Scroll the screen to the left until you find the Command 毕业舞会pt application.
  3. 单击命令提示符应用程序.
  4. 在弹出的命令窗口中输入:   Getmac /v /fo列表          按回车键.
  5. 查看返回的信息并查找 无线或Wi-Fi 连接条目.
  6. 将实际地址信息复制到下面的表格中. 

对于Windows 10设备:

  1. 在左下角的搜索框中,输入: cmd       按回车键.
  2. 在弹出的命令框中输入: Getmac /v /fo列表   按回车键.
  3. 查看返回的信息并查找 无线或Wi-Fi 连接条目.
  4. 将实际地址信息复制到下面的表格中.





学生餐饮菜单每周更新一次. 您可以在我们的网站上查看菜单,也可以点击下面的图片或按钮下载菜单. 餐饮和菜单由 Zest食品服务.
